Date: April 27th 2016
The Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto (FPCEUP) and the Portuguese League for Social Prophylaxis (LPPS), with the support of the CIIE (Centre for Research and Intervention in Education) are organizing the seminar "Educational intervention and social asymmetries: access to food and health".
This event marks the completion of SIMMETRY project – Nutritional and Social Equity Promotion, developed by the Portuguese League for Social Prophylaxis and funded by the Public Health Initiatives Program from the Ministry of Health, under the EEA Grants, where Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein are the donor countries.
Along the past thirteen months, this project intervened with different agents in the social field to improve professional and organizational, aiming to facilitate the access to an adequate nutrition by groups in economic and social vulnerability.
It is intended, with this seminar, to create the space for reflection and discussion around the right to an adequate nutrition and health, the symbolic and emotional dimension of food, aging and citizenship, intervention policies and practices, among others.
It also aims to put in perspective the experience of interveners and investigators from a broad range of subject areas, in what regards to the challenges faced when working with groups in vulnerability.
Finally, this event also intends to facilitate the space for sharing practices, namely between countries from the south and the north of Europe, involving the participation of representatives of projects of social intervention in Norway.
9.30 AM – Reception of the participants (secretariat)
10 AM – Opening session (Hall 2C)
Henrique Vaz (Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the UP)
Marta Temido (National Health System Administration)
Ana Barreto (Norway Embassy)
Pedro Moreira (Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences of the UP)
The promotion of social and nutritional equality through the SIMMETRY project: results, challenges and guidelines for the future.
Edite Silva (Portuguese League for Social Prophylaxis)
Joana Pereira (Portuguese League for Social Prophylaxis)
10.45 AM – Healthy break
11 AM – “Speed dating”: joint reflections with experts:
- Community and social-educational intervention (Room 112)
João Caramelo (Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the UP)
Bárbara Camarinha (Social School Action at the Municipality of VN de Gaia)
- Aging and citizenship (Room 113)
Alexandra Sá Costa (Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the UP)
Cláudia Afonso (Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences of the UP)
- The right to an adequate nutrition: access policies and programs (Room 117)
Maria João Gregório (Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences of the UP)
Fernanda Rodrigues (Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the UP)
12.30 PM – Lunch break
2 PM – Oral presentations: parallel sessions (Room 112, 117 and Hall 2C)
3.30 PM – Dialogues between practices: social intervention and health promotion in Norway and Portugal
Share of experiences of the work developed in Norway and integration of recommendations from the “speed dating”. (Hall 2C)
Solfrid Johansen (Norwegian Institute of Public Health)
Andrej Grjibovski (Norwegian Institute of Public Health)
Jostein Hagan (Bla Kors Norway)
Trine Smestad (Bla Kors Norway)
5 PM – Healthy break
5.15 PM – Recording of the TSF Radio program “Crossed thinking”: The symbolic and emotional dimension of food: (Hall 2C)
Mésicles Helin, Margarida Cordo e Vítor Cotovio
- Psychosocial vulnerabilities
- Intervention policies and practices.
Hélder Muteia (Food and Agriculture Organization Portugal)
Pedro Graça (National Program for the Promotion of Healthy Eating)
Sofia Castanheira Pais (Researcher at Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the UP and at Centre for Social Studies of the UC)
Pedro Ferreira (Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the UP)
7 PM – Closing
Isabel Menezes (Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the UP)
Amélia Lopes (Centre for Research and Intervention in Education, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the UP)
Date and venue
The seminar will take place on April 27th at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto
There is a call for proposals, which should be based on investigation experiences, under any of the following themes:
Educational intervention (health and nutrition)
Psychosocial intervention (health and nutrition)
Right and access to food and health
Programs and policies of access to food and health
Health education
Working with vulnerable groups (nutrition)
The word limit for abstracts is 200, written in Portuguese or English, including name(s) of the author(s), organization and email.
Abstracts should be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. until April 15th.
Authors will be noticed by email until April 22nd.
Important dates
Abstracts submission: until April 15th to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Author(s) notification: until April 22nd
Registration for the seminar: until April 25th
Seminar: April 27th
The participation in this seminar implies prior registration and involves the payment of a small fee, which includes also support material, access to coffee breaks and participation certificate.
General public: 10€
University students: 5€
SIMMETRY project trainees: 5€
The fee payment should be done until April 20th, from which depends the confirmation of the registration. It can be done by:
Bank transfer crediting the Liga Portuguesa de Profilaxia Social:
Bank: Caixa Geral de Depósitos
IBAN: PT50 0035 0651 00090 061 632 32
In cash, at the LPPS headquarters:
Rua de Sta. Catarina, 108 - 1º/ 2º Andar, 4000-442 Porto, PORTUGAL
Monday to Friday, from 10AM to 1PM and from 2PM to 6PM
Organizing committee
Edite Silva
Joana Pereira
Daniel Lino
Inês Rothes
Pedro Ferreira
Rita Azevedo
Sofia Castanheira Pais
Landline phone: (+351) 223324445
Mobile phone: (+351) 936541594
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.