One of the project’s intervention domains consists on the development of a training program named “Intervention strategies with vulnerable groups: nutrition and access to health", aimed for professionals of social and health areas, that work together with people in a situation of social deprivation. As key agents who have a big influence among this public, these professionals are essential in the change process for a more equal access of all to an adequate diet and health in general.
Each training cycle presents 7 units:
- Nutrition Exclusion and Citizenship (8h);
- Monitoring and Food Management (8h);
- Hygiene and Food Safety (8h);
- Intervention Strategies with Vulnerable Groups (8h);
- Social Economy in the Reduction of Asymmetries (8h);
- Relating and Communicating with Health Improvements (8h);
- Application of Training Contents in the Organization Context – Practical Case (3h).
In total, each cycle involves 51 hours of training.
Nr. of participants per cycle: 15 a 20.
Professionals of social, health and other areas who work with socially vulnerable groups |
Training, either during or outside working hours, is free of charge and certified by the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences (FPCEUP), partner of this project.
Next training cycle:
Schedule: Wednesdays, from January 26th to April 13th, between 2.30pm and 6pm.
Venue: LPPS Delegation, Rua João Espregueira Mendes, 117-121, 4450-008 Porto.