One of the project’s intervention domains consists on the development of a training program named “Intervention strategies with vulnerable groups: nutrition and access to health", aimed for professionals of social and health areas, that work together with people in a situation of social deprivation. As key agents who have a big influence among this public, these professionals are essential in the change process for a more equal access of all to an adequate diet and health in general.

Each training cycle presents 7 units:

  • Nutrition Exclusion and Citizenship (8h);
  • Monitoring and Food Management (8h);
  • Hygiene and Food Safety (8h);
  • Intervention Strategies with Vulnerable Groups (8h);
  • Social Economy in the Reduction of Asymmetries (8h);
  • Relating and Communicating with Health Improvements (8h);
  • Application of Training Contents in the Organization Context – Practical Case (3h).

In total, each cycle involves 51 hours of training.

Nr. of participants per cycle: 15 a 20.



 Professionals of social, health and other areas who work with socially        vulnerable groups


  • Participative methodology that values groups experiences
  • Flexible and differentiated approach in order to develop strategies of preventive actions (training and consulting)
  • Proximity attitude to identify needs and intervention actions (consulting)


  • Enable professionals in the nutrition and health inequalities areas
  • Change local practices, identified and supported by consultors, trainers and professionals
  • Share practices that can be replicated
  • Increase and consolidate vulnerable groups’ knowledge of improved daily habits


Training, either during or outside working hours, is free of charge and certified by the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences (FPCEUP), partner of this project.


Next training cycle:

Schedule: Wednesdays, from January 26th to April 13th, between 2.30pm and 6pm.

Venue: LPPS Delegation, Rua João Espregueira Mendes, 117-121, 4450-008 Porto.

